Uniting & Promoting Technology Education Communication Collaboration Innovation in Sunny Southwest Florida

TECHmatch - SWFLTech, Inc.


Each fall we partner with Career Source Southwest Florida to invite current tech job seekers, tech students of all levels (secondary, vocational, and college – even if not yet seeking a job), and current tech professionals to meet representatives from the region’s leading tech organizations and employers.
There is no fee to attend the event, and it is open to everyone interested in the technology field and technology employment in the region. This event draws some of the top employers in Southwest Florida and has included: Hertz, Hotwire Communications, 21st Century Oncology, Summit Boradband, Centrury Link, Hyperteam, Cigent, Chico’s, iPartnermedia, Red Sneakers Mobile Marketing and Communications, Lee Health, Benseron Hospitality, Flight Docs, Reach Mobi, Healthcare Network of Southwest Florida, as well as educational institutions like: Florida Gulf Coast University.
EMPLOYERS: Looking for a great taletnt pool to add to your team? Join us and register for the event
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