Uniting & Promoting Technology Education Communication Collaboration Innovation in Sunny Southwest Florida

Partnerships - SWFLTech, Inc.


SWFL Tech forges purposeful connections that create new opportunities for partnerships between our members and other ecosystem partners.  This often takes the form of events, programs, funding, etc..  

See below for a few examples of these partnerships at work.  

#BetterTogether #swfltech

tech talent

Talent Pipeline

A strong talent pipeline is key to fueling technological advancements within our region. We bring corporate, education, government and organizational entities to the table to discuss innovation and advancement in this area.  SWFL Tech’s Board and members have significant background and expertise in this space.

TechMatch Career Fair

Every year we partner with Career Source Southwest Florida to invite current tech job seekers, tech students of all levels (secondary, vocational, and college – even if not yet seeking a job), and tech professionals to meet representatives from the region’s leading tech organizations and employers. There is no fee to attend the event, and it is open to everyone interested in the technology field and technology employment in the region. This event draws some of the top employers in Southwest Florida. Click here to email Career Source SWFL to express your interest in getting involved in this year’s event.

stem outreach

java the hutts

Java the Hutts #14725 is a local FIRST Tech Challenge robotics team of eleven 7th to 12th graders from across Southwest Florida who won the top overall Inspire Award at the Florida State Championship to compete at the FIRST (For Inspiration & Recognition of Science & Technology) Robotics World Championship in Houston, Texas. 

SWFL Tech supports their efforts by acting as their fiscal agent, promoting their events, and connecting them to members with an interest in supporting the emerging tech workforce.

Aspirations in Computing

The Aspirations in Computing program in Southwest Florida provides technical girls and women with ongoing engagement, visibility, and encouragement for their computing-related interests and achievements from high school through college and into the workforce. AiC Community members are supported by their peers, volunteers, and NCWIT Alliance member organizations who offer exclusive access to scholarships, internships, and professional work.  They hold an Awards event each spring to honor National and Regional honorees.  

SWFL Tech supports their efforts by acting as their fiscal agent, promoting their events, and connecting them to members with an interest in supporting the emerging tech workforce.

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